Hi! It seems like you're early on in regards to developing your idea still. (Not saying you haven't thought of it for a while) It appears that the idea might still need more refining. The hardest and most valuable things an entrepreneur can do early on is simplify the business and idea as much as...
Hi, you need someone that has done investment before. An investor is better than a startup founder that has raised capital. An investor looks daily at a startup pitch and knows exactly what are the key elements that a pitch need to be interesting. Fundraising is a full-time job and a lot of start...
Denial of Service protection is a key component of your perimeter defense along with your firewall, intrusion detection/prevention and continuous monitoring. There are several managed service providers that you can choose from. The first vendor you should contact is your Internet Service Provide...
Start experimenting by putting the 2 things in place you say you are missing: 1. create a validated learning model 2. Stop focusing on vanity metrics; replace with user growth, cohort analysis or growth metrics. Do not just read Lean principles; APPLY them. Also, What are you doing to brand yo...
To play devil's advocate here, does the second company need to survive? Meaning mainly: is there a large enough potential for long-term gain to keep pushing on it? As entrepreneurs, it can be tempting to put a lot of irons in the fire in hopes one of them really takes off. It's understandable — ...
U can look at Angel.co or u can read this https://medium.com/@chris_boucher/top-10-best-online-platforms-to-find-an-investor-for-your-startup-b7c1ac38a5b7
Sometimes a country that is generally in your market region may be better set up to support startups. I know, for example, that Israel has a tremendous startup infrastructure and accelerators, as does Latin America and Asia. So I would begin by asking about your industry and your target region to...
Hi, 4a: There are various 'models' that you can use to estimate how many shares/percentages your new partner should get. These include (a) his/her investment in time and/or money, (b) the current + potential value of the company, (c) the time and/or money that you as the original founder alread...
Simple answer. Assign the ownership of the patent prior to closing any investment that is sufficient to market validate your invention. Investors will require an absolute assignment of ownership of any intellectual property. Given that you don't actually have a patent yet, you will be doing a ...
In any business to business sales situation, you need to evaluate who is involved in the decision chain that leads to a purchase. Typically, there are at least three parties involved. These are: Your Champion, who noticed your product, and decided it would be a great fit for his organization. Th...