Have an interview plan. What is the purpose of the interview? Don't be wishy-washy. Your two questions today could have used a lot more detail. I do many of these (and am an expert guest) on my blog at http://www.salestactics.org. Here's an example of several: http://www.salestactics.org/sales-e...
If business model was all about "revenue" then you could have hit somewhere on the dart board. However, if you've passed the information to your friend under the hashtag "Business Model" then I would like to ask "What's the business idea?" I am a bit perplexed to read your suggestion about tradi...
If you're an accredited investor then I would suggest signing up for Angel List www.angel.co and invest in 10+ syndicates at $1K per deal so you can get a portfolio created. This will give you diversity + doing it via syndicates you know other smart people are supporting the entrepreneur vs. jus...
Few suggestions: - When you say your customers like your product, how do you know that. - I would recommend asking customers specific questions that correspond to the strengths and features of your product, e.g. 'Are you concerned with your on-premise costs of HW maintenance ?' while you're addr...
I was trained as a Mechanical Engineer and now, run a few businesses. One thing that really helped me figure out the answer to your question (which was my question too) was to take a step back from trying so hard to identify my passion or make a decision. Instead I focussed on doing a few things...
I'm Mike Moyer and I've had lots of experience. It works great. Since publishing the model in 2012 I haven't had anyone come back to me and complain that it didn't work, but I had hundreds, if not thousands, of people thank me for writing the book. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might h...
Hi There are various 'models' that you can use to estimate how many shares/percentages your new partner should get. These include (a) his/her investment in time and/or money, (b) the current + potential value of the company, (c) the time and/or money that you as the original founder already put i...
As a startup freak myself, I am always looking for new ways to make the company better and communications between the teams easier. I like Slack as a communications tool as well as Asana. HipChat is pretty slick for instant messaging and integration with inbound customer service live chatting for...
Bear in mind that the approach Amazon took was during a time in which e-commerce was still just taking hold and was far from commonplace. Of course, starting with your own products and building an audience of shoppers gives you some leverage in attracting sellers when you change to a marketpla...
Hi, what a great question. Ever since my best-selling book, Invest Local, came out in 2014, I've been getting lots of Clarity calls about raising capital for small business. You haven't specified if you are looking for debt or equity financing. Let's discuss both. Equity: The investors you've ...