There are many security standards you can "certify" your datacenter with, such as NIST or ISO. You can read more about them here: In addition there are some SSL and Antivirus vendors who provide "security badges" that can be embedded to your...
Haryana is well known for its cattle wealth and is the home of the famous Murrah buffalo and the Haryana cow.
It is very difficult to start a new life. Deciding to start new life is challenging, but it's also something that can be incredible for your future if you do it correctly. Go to Spain or Thailand because you will be able to afford it Living in less costly areas can enable you to spend less and ...
These are good questions to start with. I'd recommend rephrasing the first question to "How likely would you be to use this app?" (subtle but important difference - it can be "helpful" but they may not use it). And rephrasing the second to "How much would you be willing to pay for this app?" (aga...
If you are having doubts about taking the money then don't do it. The reality is that as an investor, a day will come when you are succeeding and there is room for a lot of growth - you are there now. If you think you don't need them, either raise the amount or lower their stake to were it is as ...
You can learn from the other players in the market and create a service like Gmail, but before that you have to keep in mind nine features before you set out to meet your goal: 1. Spam Filter - Spam messages are a huge time waster. You do not want to spend your valuable time reading them. That ...
What kind of business? What product? What market? Who are your customers? Where do you add value? All this questions (and more) have to be answered before you start the business.
You can read the listed books but it will not help you to start your startup 1. Zero to One. 2. The Lean Startup. 3. The Startup Owner's Manual. 4. Founders at Work 5. Crossing the Chasm 6. 100$ startup 7. Never Too Late to Startup What you need is a market and start-up capital and not some i...
The very early stages of becoming brave is through believing in oneself. Once you've confirm your confidence at personal level, it will be easier for others to believe in you and the services that you are yet to offer. Good luck.
Hi there, My name is Luke, I work for start up and I should be able to give a little more insight from the employee perspective as I am in a similar situation right now! I think what you will find in this particular situation is there is no one right answer. Only you will understand the relatio...