If you're a service business and haven't been able to make profit, then I highly doubt investors are going to get involved. The beauty of selling your time is you can get people to buy right away, and if they pay anything above $25/hour - then you should make profit assuming you can live off of ...
Get this book: http://www.amazon.com/Selling-Local-Advertising-Insider-Secrets-ebook/dp/B00B5KPMRA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433335127&sr=8-1&keywords=advertising+claude+whitacre (not an affiliate link) I'm a sales trainer, but Claude has put everything together in this book already so why reinv...
Revenue solves all problems. If you want me to be more technical, cash-flow.
Hi there, If I understand correctly, you want a definitive list of .edu domain names to compare users against to automatically approve them for your service? The most authoritative list would be held by Educause - http://net.educause.edu/edudomain/index.asp but you won't necessarily be given th...
Yes, my ex partner obtained US social security number while he was non-US resident. He was Canadian. I recommend asking either lawyer or directly the authority since the requirements may be different where you are from and what you need this for. Hope this help.
You have some useful elements available here for positioning. First thing to understand is you will not "put out your shingle and they will come." There are many tax accountants and most business owners couldn't tell a good one from a bad one. So you must Stand Out. You must also develop a sour...
It depends on what type of online business you want to run. For selling online (physical or digital products), you need to figure out your audience first, and then find or create products, that will sell. Also consider how you will get paid - living in Egypt may put restrictions on money transf...
In the realm of custom work, fixed prices are dangerous ground. It puts you in a position to either say "no" or ask for more money when a project has extra needs, and that's never a comfortable situation to be in. You said yourself that speaking to a lead is the best way to make a sale. I'd ech...
Hi, I have helped many startups and it is true that you should research an idea - well done for this - not everyone does it or does it well enough. Do you start with the problem you are trying to solve (or pain or need or desire)? It depends of course if you are looking at B2C or B2B solutions ...
If you mean in Clarity then contact support from your profile dropdown. If you mean in a product you are creating (as this question if filed under 'Startup Consulting') then most definitely yes. As this is a complex area when requirements gathering, I setting up a call with me. I help software ...