Compatibility with your vision? Does 1+ 1= 3 or even 5? Personality mix? If you are going to stay with the acquired entity. These might be more important than any of the numbers.
Hi there! I do work with some Indian clients, advising them on growth strategies and communication plans. While finance is not my expertise, I keep an eye on the uneasy tension between FDI, Indian companies and Government authorities. As of now the word is that crowd funding in India is a grey ...
I have two answers. It depends on whether you've picked a specific field (eg. oil & gas, or fisheries, or biotech.) If you haven't, then you need some technical skills and some sales skills. The sales skills are important because once you know how to sell, you'll be able to make money wherever ...
Hi, I used to manage a non-profit organization - the process is challenging but it is possible. I'd be happy to advise. First stop: try get a Google Grant for Google Adwords - it will help you a lot to promote your business. Good luck
A member buyout option for a startup partnership LLC can be structured in a number of ways, depending on the specific circumstances of the partnership and the agreement of the members. One common way to structure a buyout is for the purchasing member(s) to pay the selling member(s) an agreed-upo...
You must do your SWOT Analysis first. if you provide quality product/service at affordable price, people will really appreciate that and then you will realize the power of Word of mouth marketing. Best wishes.
I strongly disagree with the first answer - of course you are building to sell! They key is how fast and what is the multiplication factor for investors... But back to the question itself, I think the most important thing to remember about investors and fundraising is that you are not just getti...
The highest-impact growth marketing tactics for a B2B SaaS startup with zero customers is often direct outreach. When you're at a point where you don't have customer validation, it's incredibly hard to get useful data from very small amounts of traffic. So in a zero customer state, your highes...
When it comes to raising money you must remember that risk is a perception. Your job is to drain the risk! Below is a link to a resource I provide my investors. The 50 questions are specific to product design/development but the 15 categories are questions that apply to any industry. If you can...
The way I've always built my Customer Advisory Board (I call them my A-Team, Advisory Team - just sounds cooler) Before Launch - Find users who currently have the problem and have already solved it themselves. After Launch - Find users who are active / using the app AND have not asked to be on ...