One of the many great things about AngelList is that they don't charge commissions. In the case of an AngelList syndicate, there is both a management fee and a carrying cost, but that is not deducted from what you raise but rather deducted from the investors' profit (if there is one). The likel...
I always feel the next step once you have an idea is to validate it by creating something simple that you can put in front of someone, so they can review and give feedback. This can come in different forms 1) Verbally describing the solution and getting feedback from target customers 2) Design s...
I tried Basecamp, Jira, Unfuddle, Trello and PivotalTracker before for different projects which were developed with agile approach. All of them worked fine to me and I needed some time to setup my framework and processes there. I think it would be worth checking Trello or PivotalTracker which I ...
Hi, If you were going to sell the business, the first thing a knowledgeable buyer (or investor) would do is normalize the wage expense vs. fair market. If you and the other founders are not paying yourselves what you would earn working for a stranger, then your financial statements are meaningle...
That sounds like a great startup project! Good for you and best of luck! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm the cofounder of a small global digital marketing agency. There are many ways to network and prospect, there are also ways to network and social behavior that will help you not ...
Always best to do business design with multiple exits strategies. So one strategy will be to liquidate/sell your company to another person or entity. And... Be sure you design in cash flow from day one. Many businesses are fake. There's no monetization scheme. The company theme song is "Money ...
You can use a Factoring company (someone who purchases invoices). And likely they'll require some sort of seasoning of recurring payments before purchasing. You can go for Angel capitol + will have to give up a big chunk of income. If possible, write your own bridge loans by writing balance tr...
A crypto currency amounts to potentially strong substitute for brick & mortar-like and financial-intermediary based- transaction structures. It is a large idea, it is game changing, and it requires a rather substantial balance sheet and time to move from concept, to prototype, to commercial via...
Listen to my interview with exit strategist Jock Purtle of Digital Exits here (no opt-in, simple download):
As an current investors and former Chief Strategist of Metroclick one of the largest interactive touchscreen & kiosks suppliers in the states. It's very easy to lease the equipment, the more important questions is the reason behind the use of the equipment. Also the location of the kiosks test ma...