If it is really only two way country transfer (or one receiving country and several country stacks sending money there) it would be best to build your own custom solution. Basically a simple SW to allow for receive electronic transfer money in some region (one for EU, one for US, one for Austral...
Yes, my ex partner obtained US social security number while he was non-US resident. He was Canadian. I recommend asking either lawyer or directly the authority since the requirements may be different where you are from and what you need this for. Hope this help.
It does not have to be unique. Simple ideas are enough, just keep in mind that it must help the masses out there struggling with a problem, thus creating a gap in the market. Having an idea is important. The mere definition of the word business brings to the fore the importance of the idea. At t...
Depend on how much you willing to invest to do the validation. The methods vary due to many factors such as the nature of business, the ease of collecting data, quality of the information produced, set of assumptions made, etc. From a simple survey to a structured survey ... From an empirical a...
Hi, I think it is a great idea. There are many conferences I'd like to go to but can't because of time (and COVID obviously). Having a person to go for me is a good second place. You should test the idea though before committing a lot of time and money. This can be done with existing apps to fi...
Hi there, That's quite a loaded question, and so I would have a few questions to clarify more. How big are your potential clients? e.g. 0-100, 100-250, 250-1000, 1000+? Do you have any early successes/clients? Are you looking for a low (automated) or high touch sales approach? Be happy to ch...
By experience, I will tell you that is Finance or Economics, Marketing & Communications and Soft Skills that help you be a followed and likable leader. You might know or will find out that in business, any business, its not about you but about them - your end user, end customer. If you want to s...
Anyone who tells you that the branding and design isn't important is smoking meth. Your brand is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things related to your company and product. It is the firs thing someone sees and it is your FIRST impression. Because of that, your prospects will make a slew of initial j...
My 2 favourite are: - www.uxpin.com - www.flinto.com Flinto is by far my favorite for mobile. I also us www.balsamiq.com for anything wireframe. Sometimes I jump into Sketch http://www.bohemiancoding.com/sketch/ for more high fidelity mockups using their Mirror feature http://www.bohemiancodin...
My solution has always been. 1) Leverage your network but be specific in the ask "Do you know a programmer that's $20-$40 hour (likely from eastern Europe) that you've worked with and like?" 2) There so many new marketplaces jumping up focused on niches that may be worth trying (ex: http://elto.c...