The 1st thing you should do it to identify 100 potential customers from your group to approach them and to offer them to use the platform to test it out. These people will not only give you feedback on how to improve it but also will give you testimonials for your website. The next thing to do...
Value based pricing is neither about being cheap, nor about the kind of product/service. The value potential of $3.99 will depend upon the quality of output that the product/service provides, irrespective of the categories mentioned by you. Ideal way should be to benchmark your product/service co...
I have been working for startups as digital marketing for over 15 years. I would need to know more about your business to give a proper answer but depending on the product / service maybe you need to engage in sales or biz dev. In order to scale, you need to either add more offerings, get your ...
If you are going cold market the best way I have found is looking for a niche where there are good solid companies on page two - five that have poor onsite SEO and/or site design. Connect with them.
It would certainly be viable, particularly if you create events that appeal to particular groups of people. Be sure to appeal to both sides of each group: providers (businesses) and customers. For example, get a local restaurant to sponsor and provide samples of their food and do a presentation...
Whether you're seeking B2B or B2C LEAD GEN, you can lease these lists to pump up your email mailing list. You can also harvest email leads through speaking engagements where you can expound on your area of expertise or product value.
Yes, absolutely there are very different rules that you have to follow for healthcare products. It mostly boils down to what you are claiming, and what the 'class' of your product is as defined by the FDA. You have to go through an extensive process to get certain healthcare products approved b...
It is always a good idea, but what you have to verify is that a product with a lower price will give the perception that it has a lower quality. If you want more advice, I am at your service.
Hi, Nice to meet you. I manage all marketing and sales for Ometria a SaaS Ecommerce Intelligence platform. What technology are you trying to sell? Would you be able to tell me more about your current business model, product and goals? Regards, Ed
I've been in ecommerce for over a decade and have co-founded and helped start companies collectively driving over $10MM in ecommerce sales. I've consulted for Fortune 500 ecommerce stores. Here's my advice if you're just getting started without a big budget. Note: Some of this is copied from m...