We do marketing partnerships with some of our ongoing accounts. Terms vary from fixed-fee retainers through fixed amount + 10-20% split share to 30-40% fee on new deals. Depending on the specifics of the business and the marketing services provided, the percentage could be for a specific product...
Today’s consumers are entering the buying process much more educated and from a number of entry points. Some will come to your brand based on the recommendation of a friend, others will see a sponsored social media post, others will come in “cold” from a generalized search engine query. Your sale...
That's a great question. First, congratulations for bringing a nutritional product to market and getting initial sales. That's a huge feat in itself, so well done. Second, my question would be this - why do you believe that you need to get on the shelves of UK retailers to go mainstream? And wh...
When I give talks about content monetization, someone usually asks about piracy protection. There is no way to protect against piracy. My suggestion is always monetize piracy. How exactly you do this depends on your product. P2P content provision can be used in many ways to boost marketing tra...
Hello Areriel, It can be hard to know where to start at beginning. What I suggest you do it to start a blog about the things you'd like to be doing. Then start building you following on the social media. Use Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to connect and engage with industry professionals. Go to...
It depends on the stage of your business. If you are at the beginning, spending money on brand advertising is a sure NO. Which doesn't mean you shouldn't aim to build a brand... Building a brand is always good, it increases the value of your business allowing you also to sell it if you decide y...
Hi I would offer your service/platform to student bodies (student council) at universities and high-schools. I assume (but you would need to check) that they are your target audience and by onboarding one university, you would potentially get hundreds/thousands of clients (the students). Good l...
When it comes to marketing it really does need to be personal. I think to recommend the correct strategy one would need to learn a bit more about your business, industry, audience / consumers. With that being said - let me start by answering your questions: 1. Pricing is a loaded question with...
New answer: yes, you should have one.
I have. You will experience a much better return on investment, and your customers will have a much better experience when you take advantage of audience segmenting -- which Customer.io and the likes offer. To be far, you can achieve this same result with tools like Aweber, but they are not as ...