Before you go around announcing your brand name, PLEASE go register the corresponding domain name,, which I see remains available for $10 or so. You can probably find a coupon online to buy it for a dollar. Otherwise you're a sitting duck, and it's only a matter of time befor...
I don't use a lot of tools for my startup, just this ones: - really great to schedule automated messages and it can be synced with your database and have custom fields. Very easy to setup -Google Apps (analytics,gmail, webmaster tools) -Monitor Backlinks (my own startup) to build lin...
When it comes to marketing it really does need to be personal. I think to recommend the correct strategy one would need to learn a bit more about your business, industry, audience / consumers. With that being said - let me start by answering your questions: 1. Pricing is a loaded question with...
I guess it will really depend based on your target audience and how you can make yourself stand out. In all cases you can try with the following: 1. PR Focus on getting publicity from blogs and online media sites. This will help you a lot when it comes to user acquisition (your target is alread...
Forget about sales tactics right now. Nothing quick or easy is going to help you when you just want to make money fast. 1. Be extreme 2. Live disciplined 3. Give more value than people pay for 4. Act human It doesn't matter what strategy you use when you factor in all (4) of those.
If you're asking for templates, with no offense, maybe you shouldn't be creating a strategy...?
If there are any general similarities or common ground between the two target markets you can accomplish this goal with a single blog using target market-specific keywords and category names. I have a client who is in the home improvement industry, installing replacement roofs, siding, windows, d...
For two sided marketplaces, I recommend having strategies for the following areas: 1) Strategies for solving the chicken-and-egg problem in the beginning, as many multi-sided marketplaces fail to gain traction due to this problem. Buyers need sellers in order to show interest; sellers need buyer...
I never even thought about that question. I wonder what other people have to say about it. What app do you use on your phone to calculate discounts in stores? I understand that to find out the original cost you need to multiply the price at a discount by the percentage plus 1?
Like any other industry, these surgeons (and their staff) attend regular training. Many of them are coordinated through a regional training organization; contact them and offer to host a free training course on how bariatric surgeons and grow their practice through online marketing. I'd be happy...