Definitely DON'T go for funding at this stage. It would be just TOO COSTLY for you in terms of the stake you will have to give away for a limited amount. Most likely at this stage, you don't even have a clear picture if you really need the investment. Have you mobilized all the cash you can on ...
I have built two software companies by hiring out the development work. I sold one for a decent sum during the dot com era (circa 1999). I remain a shareholder in the other one. I currently work with amazing development company on behalf of one of my clients. Here are some things to consider. 1...
Without knowing much about your podcast or ultimate business goals here, I would say reaching out to the potential sponsors to at least get a feel would be a good idea. You might even consider some promotional sponsorship rate for one or two sponsors to get in early. If you have a marketing plan ...
Congratulations on the launch of your Beta testing! That is half the battle. My advice would be to slowly do another round of Beta testing and inviting people who you know will give you good feedback and help you improve your app. Then in the mean time get PR to pump up your app again for launch ...
It's all about how the quality of the video, the relevance of the video to what the user expects / wants to have happen as part of their experience in that moment of the app. Most of all, the video has to be as short as possible to convey it's meaning & message. Finally, it has to create the ...
You can check out 2 sites: and alibaba has the ability for you to contact distributors directly. Debbie
If you're talking about an app-store launch, then it's important to have the core mechanics of the product (from a user interaction perspective) figured out such that the majority of your users are doing the things you want them to do in order to drive continual engagement with the app. Design p...
For 100 books (extremely small run), likely best to use a POD (print on demand) service like Blurb or Amazon's similar service (name escapes me right now). Way cheaper to self publish any run size + especially so for small runs.
A specific solution just came to mind utilizing wooCommerce. If WordPress is your platform, this could be very simple with a subscriptions plugin.
While you are considering bringing all the Content Marketing & Measurement features and capabilities together with Project Managment ( I am assuming some type of cohesive management Dashboard with combined analytics ?), you might want to consider the following: - the integrated product should no...