Best to explain why you're asking + provide a URL explaining your purpose/business. Many times successful prefer to remain anonymous. You're asking for highly private information to be posted in a public forum.
Hello and welcome! I provide internet marketing, website & WordPress services. If you are in need of trusted partners, please feel free to reach out to me. Have a great day! Regards, Alan
This is very vague, how you spread any knowledge is largely dependent on the type of information you want to put out. I'm open to share some useful tips, especially related to Project Managent, open for a call.
Try the International Food Service Executives Association ( Their membership is incredibly broad. You can also try connecting with them on LinkedIn. The hard part is finding the first couple of executives, if you can tap into their networks, then you will find success. ...
There are no real "hacks" to reaching customers. It's just a bunch of hard work -- in 4 real steps: 1. Strategy -- identify what makes you unique / how you drive unique value to that "dream client" 2. Process -- put in place the steps to email / call / connect with them 3. Tools -- use smart to...
I don't know if this is the right answer because your question is a tricky one. Before you get an answer I'm going to give you an example of a company I think fits what you are looking for: Read here :
I don't think there is a role. I think you need to determine the responsibilities and motivations a person might have for sponsoring and speak to their needs related to it. In my experience, the people with these interests in a company don't reside in just one role.
I've done this on a small scale for my product, but it worked nicely, and I learned some useful techniques. I'd be happy to talk with you about the process, and also answer any other startup questions you might have. Best of luck, Lee
If you need instant revenue, a PPC campaign might be the best approach. I would always suggest hiring a person or agency to manage that unless you have someone on staff that focuses on that alone. Doing PPC yourself is easy, but it's rarely the most profitable way to go due to the nuances that ar...
From what I have heard from some successful crowd fund raisers. You are better to spend time getting yourself organized before you start your campaign. Make sure you have a least a team of four people and ensure that everyone knows there role and the tasks that they are responsible for.