Trying to save money and time by going with a pre-made solution is going to pay you back with frustration later. Best bet is to always build from scratch or build from available components that you can configure the way your particular software needs to work. I would look to open-source javascrip...
Disruption is your answer. You have to make the product disruptive or the product be competitive with disruptive pricing. Some entrepreneurs have this myth that if they convince the potential investors to use their products then they can get the investment, however this is wrong. If you make ciga...
Engaging and communicating with your prospects is a sure way to build rapport and increase brand awareness in your local area. For a chiropractor, returning clients are typically the largest revenue stream. I would focus on reaching out to past clients and provide a compelling offer to get them ...
Hi! Great question! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm a global competitive strategist and run a hybrid agency out Texas. A lot of our own clients come to us with existing notions about how SEO didn't do anything for them, etc. only to find out that they were previously sold link farming and junk tha...
Hi, I've got years of experience in sales and small business management. While not travel-focused, I may be able to help. Why are you so focused on a direct-sales approach? I know travel agents that frequently sell adventure travel products for operators. Have you properly analyzed all ...
If you have an existing space, why not consider leveraging the current tenants for part of the money needed? Spend some money (tenants can pitch in for that instead) in a fundraising party! Invite local band, caterer (ask for discount in exchange of promotion) have some context for the event suc...
I am regularly asked questions similar to this by new business owners or business owners expanding to a new venture. Insurance has many niches that exist in the commercial insurance space, this is one of them. A couple of places to start; 1. If you already have a broker who handles commercial i...
When it comes to ecommerce, Facebook dominates as the source for social traffic and sales. In a study done by Shopify, Facebook drives nearly two-thirds of all social media visits to Shopify. An average of 85% of all orders from social media were from Facebook. Specifically for the jewelry and wa...
The easiest way to promote on a shoestring budget is guest posts. Write about the problem your app solves on sites where your target customers will read them. Make sure you've got a strong marketing funnel for the people who click through your articles — if you're not capturing leads properly (...
Add the CEO on Linked In and tell them you want to intern for them!