
Results for: Theme Development

You would figure out your price per acre by the kind of rent you can collect in that area. You don't need to be right downtown in the richest area but if you want to have middle class clients you better be in a middle class area, call if I can help you more, thanks...Ken Queen


That is an interesting situation and I am sure many others share a similar concern. I would recommend trying out Podio (free), it lets you create all sorts of templates to capture and work with information (text fields, categories, dates, etc). You can set it to receive e-mail for you and it w...


I agree with Joseph: an objective assessment from a professional will provide the balanced insight you're looking for. You can accomplish that very inexpensively with a Clarity call ... or a couple of calls to different experts. Here are some of the things we'd want to know (and which you can as...


Asking a broad question welcomes suspect advice. It's unwise to apply generic "data" to a specific application. Narrow the focus - who is the typical user? Under age 30? Over the age of 45? Is the application typically used in the office during work hours or mostly out in the field? Is wifi/cell...


So, is the charity whats receiving the funding or is your for-profit company. From the sounds of it, it seems the for-profit company is more important than the for charity. I would raise money for your for-profit company and create a structure that when your "profit" company does "X,"you're not f...


I think the closest I know of to what you're describing is Influitive. Influitive is SaaS software for advocate engagement, including discussion forums. They have a widget that can extend their experience into your app or website.


If you can find what you're looking for by using a Google API service, then the answer is yes. If you must scrape Google search results, Google is smarter than you or any developer, so will eventually figure out you're scrapping their data + completely block your IP. - p...


I don't know any plugins with that specific feature, but I did want to mention this after reading your description. You can target specific pages/posts with CSS, so you can limit text wrap to your about page. You just need to know the page ID. WordPress includes a page specific class in the body ...


This sounds incredibly convoluted and problematic for you. Generally, any financing structure that is this unique is a turn-off to new investors, especially institutional investors. That they've recently raised funding for their business but are contemplating building a new business with you (...


Hello! Check out Shake, they have an app with a ton of free contract and terms templates. They're great with startups, so I'm guessing if they can't help you out they might be able to point you in the right direction. Cheers!


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