
Results for: Time Management

In normal cases each subcontracting partner is self responsible for its accounting. Depending on the country you are and kind of business you running, you need to find out what possibilities are possible. For sure there are services you can use, check out for example. There the...


Very unique question !! Haven't heard anyone raising this !! I do strategic IT initiatives and teach Intra-preneurship in corporate IT teams. We have Lull times too - Christmas, Thanksgiving with vacations and low loads. The best activity to do in this period is "IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE GROWTH...


Usually Programmers are only slow when they don't know how to solve a particular problem. So they will spend a lot of time researching and a lot of trial & errors to solve a problem. It is important that before you engage a programmer on a project, you break down the entire project into simple, e...


Hello! We recommend using Hubspot's CRM - they integrate pretty much everything a business might need. We use it for ourselves and our clients and really love it.


Obviously that wouldn't hurt, and there are likely benefits to doing so. The thing to consider is will doing this save you time and make you a better leader or will it take time away from leading, growing and building a vision for the company? Only you can answer that. Being in a technical indus...


There is nothing more harmful to a good idea than other ideas. By that I mean, the inability to decide which idea is worth pursuing over others, causes each idea to suffer when trying to distribute resources in support of more than one concept at a time. Your question presumes that the most imp...


There are a couple of key questions embedded in your decision that aren't addressed in your description that make this difficult to provide input: What are you looking to gain with a partnership? (capital, connections, expertise, access to customer base) How much and on what timeline? To use for...


A lot of people see still see diversity as a Nice to Have, rather than something that affects their bottomline. Although most coverage and research have been done primarily by niche market groups, even McKinsey early in 2015 put out this big report, touting real data:


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