As a professional coach the market is smaller but it is geared towards key skills I would love to talk to you about the current market and business plans.
It all depends on the part of the world you are, some of this marketplaces make use of PayPal which there are some exception in some countries when it come to receiving money . But I will suggest studypool to you.
I regularly help franchisees in this industry. Send me a message with some of your questions and I'll let you know if I can help in a call. Cheers David
There are so many possibilities that come to mind, without knowing a lot more about what has lead you to this point, it is hard to offer any actionable advice. The first place I would start investigating is the top of your sales funnel. Are you getting students? Are they just not converting? Are...
Social engagement requires more than posting information about your product or service. You need to look for ways to be helpful to people without trying to drive them to your site. Look for opportunities to build relationships first and foremost. Once people see that you're helpful they'll begin ...
One option is to allow sorting on different facets, and default to one that levels the playing field a bit. For example, instead of showing the tutors with the highest ratings, perhaps you could show the tutors with the highest ratings in the last 14 days (average of the last 14 days' reviews on...
At this stage there are lots of decent web tutorials but I find Ryan Bates Railscasts some of the best for learning the technology. However if you want to just become better at Ruby and Javascript there is no substitute for good books. I've just been reading Avdi Grimm's Confident Ruby and I thi...
I would probably look at a course on udemy for that specific case
In my experience coaching hundreds of people, anytime you go against your gut (aka intuition) you will lose. Data is important to consider, but your gut often knows the path.
That's awesome. You are at a first stage of building a MOOC, a Massive Open Online Course portal. I worked in the growth team of a UK startup that reached an explosive growth in 2015. I like your approach you applied the "don't scale" ap...