There is no such thing as "a best place to pitch an angel". You fish bass where you find them...
Im an investor and advisor. As many people as you ask, you will get different answers. The best and most successful way to raise capital is to start with people you know, aka friends and family. If friends and family are insufficient as they often are, then you need to find angels. If you dont kn...
You can raise money for 2 online businesses with the same parent at the same time. The term sheet and closing documents need to be crystal clear regarding the ownership and rights. If the parent company pays compensation for any of the employees that work on the 2 online businesses, a managemen...
Simple: The right investor is someone who wants to invest on standard terms at a good valuation relative to your current stage. Extra bonus points for someone who has relevant industry connections that could accelerate your business and is willing - at the right time - to make introductions for...
Exciting stuff! I see a few questions here: 1. When is the right time to look for seed funding? 2. How do I appropriately talk to angel investors about said funding? As for the first question, consider what your goals are and whether this funding can help you achieve those goals. Hopefully, ...
It depends on many factors. Are they willing to do it as a convertible note? If you're early stage the debt will be a burden if you don't have revenues in short order to repay it. 20% is extremely high and if you can't repay in revenues it could bankrupt you. Investors outside the U.S. Are not ...
It seems like you are cash-strapped. Option 1 - you can do is give equity instead of cash. Option 2 - you can give experience and no cash. Both of these options will be slower than compensating cash. And, you will have to think about a marketing strategy once you get your MVP done.
As someone who is deeply involved with startup studios, here are a few hints. 1. First, calculate your optimal scale of operations. In our startup studio this was about 12-15 people core team + dedicated ceo-s for each startup experiment 2. Raise funds for the studio, for at least 12-18 months. Y...
Most likely the best way to get funded in this situation is to approach independent investors. It would really depend on your business plan and whether or not you have an attractive business model. You could try to get connected with networks or consultants that have access to independent investo...
I think you're looking at the low hanging fruit rather than digging for the gold that is surely inside these goldmine companies... What I recommend is to advise all of these startups is to master internet marketing. It's the one skill set that once mastered, can and should give rise to new busin...