Microsoft Azure. For startups they give you a ton of stuff for free, and if you talk to someone there you can probably get even more. And when you're eventually ready to pay, you can just continue with them. Google's cloud offering is also free or cheap, but it's unclear what the future of tha...
Follow these tips and help your envelope do its most important job: to get opened! CHECK CD/DVD WORKING: While sending the CD’s to companies, firstly you have to check while the CD is working properly or not Check the disc surface before recording, and after recording check while the CD is workin...
Consider doing an invention evaluation study. This can help you gauge overall consumer interest in your hardware, if indeed it's consumer facing. If it's not, then a full market study might be the way to go. However these studies are significantly more expensive. I'm happy to talk with you ab...
That's awesome. You are at a first stage of building a MOOC, a Massive Open Online Course portal. I worked in the growth team of a UK startup that reached an explosive growth in 2015. I like your approach you applied the "don't scale" ap... is the best thing that you can integrate with this app which suits your requirement. If you are the owner of the app, you can integrate it very quickly. If not, you can suggest the app owner to do it Feel free to call me if you need more clarification. I am consulting...
I probably use api and integrate it
There are three ways to grow any business: 1. Increase number of clients 2. Increase average sale amount 3. Increase frequency of sales If your company is already fully booked, I suggest that you start by simply raising your prices. You might lose some clients, but usually when a business raise...
It's all about how the quality of the video, the relevance of the video to what the user expects / wants to have happen as part of their experience in that moment of the app. Most of all, the video has to be as short as possible to convey it's meaning & message. Finally, it has to create the ...
Great and very important question. Assaf did a great job with his answer, so most of my points below are agreeing with him, but I have a few extra nuggets ;) 1. The first thing you need to do is clearly define your target audience for the video and how you are going to use the video. Do the peop...