If you are aiming on iOS and Android with Windows Phone 7/8 as a plus you should use C# as the language and Xamarin Studio as the IDE/Framework. You may also choose to use Visual Studio on Windows as an option. Take a look on their website: http://www.xamarin.com Even Microsoft is using Xamar...
For the design? The downside is that you could end up with a very generic looking application/site. It's also not your (or your developer's) code so there will usually be a period of time required to get used to it in order to make any adjustments. In the end, it may not really save you that muc...
Trying to save money and time by going with a pre-made solution is going to pay you back with frustration later. Best bet is to always build from scratch or build from available components that you can configure the way your particular software needs to work. I would look to open-source javascrip...
If I was just starting out, I'd consider learning Meteor (https://www.meteor.com/). It's just entered version 1.0 and after working with it for a little less than a year I do have some issues with it but it still makes for a very solid framework that gets you up and running very fast. You would o...
HI! Sounds like you have a lot of work ahead of you. I would say write it in the language you are most familiar with. If you feel comfortable in Java, then it's a great choice. NodeJS is also a very popular choice for API servers, and Python has two great, slim tools in Flask and Eve: http://fla...
Geez, if you are asking this because the person or people building this don't know the answer, you don't have a technical team capable of launching your "thing" ASAP. This is such a basic technical question that you need to stop what you're doing and find a competent technical co-founder before ...
I hope this answer will help you in two ways: It should help avoid unnecessary expense being incurred and it should also help you recruit software engineers to build your project. Before you spend a single dime on building, I'd encourage you to validate the idea itself with potential customers....
Hi, Yes it's quite simple, use a web analytics tool like Google analytics or Sitecore or any of your choice. If you want to have a free tool use Google's on since it's free version also gives a lot of insights to businesses regarding post click analysis of the users on the website
Go onto https://dribbble.com and scour the place for quality design work. Once you've found some great pieces, look at what else those designers have done. If their portfolio fits well with your requirements, contact those designers and tell them about your project. Avoid sites like 99designs.c...
You could try pivoting the product to help individuals that need to use foreign freelancers to have their app developed, because they don't have enough money to pay a local developer, and they can't find a technical co-founder. This is actually a very common problem. Working with foreign freela...