
Results for: Web Design

If you are going to use Social Media Marketing. I would recommend you create a Pinterest wall of your work and back link them to your site. Try that.


With all due respect, this seemingly simple question has a complex answer. Much akin to "How do I drive a car?" The most basic overview I can come up with goes like this: 1. Decide on a niche There are a million freelance website designers. What makes you different and how can you offer somethi...


I cofounded a development agency that's grown to over 150 employees, so I know this topic intimately. First off, you're on the right track. Even recognizing that you want to get yourself out of the minutiae puts you way above most founders. What you need to do is learn to delegate. The trouble ...


If I was just starting out, I'd consider learning Meteor ( It's just entered version 1.0 and after working with it for a little less than a year I do have some issues with it but it still makes for a very solid framework that gets you up and running very fast. You would o...


Hello! I'm the co-founder and brand strategist of Motto, a brand strategy and design firm. We help companies launch, grow and reinvent their brands and build CMS, responsive websites using ExpressionEngine and Wordpress for our clients. I'm wondering if you could provide a bit more detail for me ...


This is my kind of question! First off, let me tell you that you have a very well built website and the content and context is very good (I speak Spanish) My name is Humberto Valle, MBA Competitive Strategist - I'm an experienced web developer, programmer, and inbound growth strategist and have ...


To understand your need well, let's rephrase. You need to build a website where you'd want to market customized snow globes (or other product). The end goal is also to sell. What you'll need is to build a workflow for each of the product you wish to market which includes the base product, and the...


Trying to save money and time by going with a pre-made solution is going to pay you back with frustration later. Best bet is to always build from scratch or build from available components that you can configure the way your particular software needs to work. I would look to open-source javascrip...


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