There are a number of ways you could go with this: Cost+: Close to what you are suggesting: Calculate your hourly cost, add a profit. Then define your projects with your client, and estimate number of hours of work. That would be your price - like craftspeople do it. The pro for this approach is...
Hi! First, i would not give for free the service, even if the money they would pay is going to go support their communities, you want to build a 100 years business and not a 6 months hobbies. The best way to make them use your product, is giving them a free trial period (1 or 2 months) and afte...
My very first job out of college (a loooooooong time ago). Was working in a boutique marketing and public relations firm. They hired me to do just that, get new clients and develop the business so that we were the agency of record or on "retainers". It's funny how many firms don't want an in h...
I'd recommend you look at getting the deal with the Service Provider, as the possibility of having security misconfigurations on your own WordPress instance is far higher. Going with a service provider restricts the amount of things one can configure (or misconfigure!) Feel free to reach out to ...
Studio Press has a plethora of great templates, including magazine style.
Though I don't have experience in that particular market sector - I DO have experience dealing with that challenge. Every dollar you borrow increases your risk exposure so you have to factor that into your ROI. Pay careful attention to the terms of the loan (or LOC) and if at all possible your b...
I've seen or been involved with a few projects in the past few years that aimed to entice developers to work on premium domains in exchange for equity. That rarely if ever works. Developers have too many gigs that pay them quite comfortably. If they wanted to make sacrifices, they'd probably e...
Hi I work with a lot of startups. You're welcome to contact me so that I can get to you know better and help connect you with them. I'm also currently working with a friend on starting our own startup (after completing a previous one). He is also very talented (programmer / Data analyst and other...
You need to build trust in your vetting process, which means you actually need a good vetting process. Some ideas would be to have reviews of the potential guest from their facebook friends. Each review would have links to the reviewer's facebook profiles. Have links to the potential guest's own ...
You can of course use analytics that will give you statistics, but will not answer "Why?". Gathering Customer Feedback is crucial and You have to be preprared for low response rates. For better understanding of Customers' interactions with Your site You can use tracking/heatmap solutions (i.e. Cr...