
Results for: Web Developers

This varies from $500 onwards. More information is required, i.e. is there a subscription, payment integration? What about membership roles and what will each member get once logged onto a website?


Well you should store it in a database, most probably an SQL based database. MySQL is a fine start, free and easy to set up. But, you had best start thinking about security issues, especially if you are planning on storing credit card and other personal information. Hackers go right through the ...

Continue is the best thing that you can integrate with this app which suits your requirement. If you are the owner of the app, you can integrate it very quickly. If not, you can suggest the app owner to do it Feel free to call me if you need more clarification. I am consulting...


You are comparing apples to oranges. WordPress is a platform, Ruby is a web framework. If you are looking to develop a completely custom platform, you could certainly do it in Rails, but you could also write it in PHP (like WordPress). I'd do some digging and see what is out there for pre-made...


The partnership is not likely to pan out well for either of you. Sustainable partnerships need shared visions and goals for both parties, otherwise you are in it for material reasons that can easily dissipate with any sign of trouble. Although it can be much easier and cheaper to partner while ...


This is a common problem with "Doer" business owners. It won't be easy to find someone to work on commission. Truly able commission-based salespeople know they are a) in demand, and b) capable of setting their own price. So why should they work for you? They're going to go to where making sales ...


PHP is not outdated, there is no real concensus on what is the most popular programming language out there, some people are obviously biased, some based it off number of job postings in which case PHP and possibly .NET are the top ones. It depends on what you are doing. See them as upgrades on ea...


Apart from what you want, when choosing a white label website builder, cost will be a crucial deciding factor. Find a reseller program that matches your cost expectations but do not settle for anything less in terms of quality. As a designer, you will probably have adopted a particular style for ...


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