
Results for: Website Design

This all makes sense. The only additional things you will want to consider, if you haven't already, are: - An SLA - to agree on the level of communication provided throughout the project to the customer This is because emails, calls, meeting can vary dramatically for each customer and/or proje...


The best thing to create is User Stories regarding the functionality that you would like and use an Agile Development process to prioritize and refine things as you build it. That will act as your todo list for functionality. I would also highly recommend wireframing all the major parts of your ...


Is your website content uploaded to the correct directory on your server? Is your home page set up as index.html? Your page needs to have the correct permission set up. Those are the common errors.


As the former owner of a web design shop, I can see the appeal of a program like this. The biggest reservation I think a shop owner will have is understanding how you will treat their clients, what expectations have been set, and how much damage control they will have to manage if something goes...


Hi. Are you asking about the aesthetic (look, feel) of the theme or the functionality of it? There are a couple of themes I use that would work well aesthetically - X theme or Divi would both work well. The functionality, however, would most likely involve custom coded post types. You would nee...


I'd recommend you look at getting the deal with the Service Provider, as the possibility of having security misconfigurations on your own WordPress instance is far higher. Going with a service provider restricts the amount of things one can configure (or misconfigure!) Feel free to reach out to ...


As someone who's built WordPress websites for business owners for about 5 years now, I'd say start small, then scale from there. The important thing is to focus on delivering a unique service. The problem with this industry is that designers and developers always focus on what they can do for th...


I used to design and manage complex business processes in the large BPO industry, I'm a fan of efficiency. After I left the industry I bought an offshore service based software development and digital marketing company that was probably pretty similar to yours. Fundamentally the best answer com...


Set up a free account on MailChimp. Use their drag and drop visual editor. Click the "HTML" tab and copy the code. Paste it into Interspire. Remove any MailChimp-specific code.


If it's WooCommerce on WordPress, your problem is (I'm almost positive) plugins. In every WordPress site I ever worked on, the more plugins that were active, the slower it ran. However, speed comes in a few forms: are you talking about strictly page loading speed? Or is there a certain part that...


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