I would highly recommend connecting with someone who has experience here to shorten your learning curve if this is not what you do. For our agency, we spent a lot of time & money outlining and creating the infrastructure which now is mainly on autopilot for our outbound strategy. For example, w...
Much, if not all, of what you are looking for can be accomplished in Google Analytics using their Conversion Goals. I am not sure about *all* of it - specifically the information you want the merchants to have access to. There are tools that do analytics better and more detailed for applications...
That is always a tuff call, to take the profit at the start of the project or to make a great profit at the end. Not only is this tuff for you, your customer has the same analysis. I would offer plans that do both, that would give you a mix of the upfront revenue that you need and back end profi...
Certainly a lead gen website would help with a strong call to action. LinkedIN would be a good source of leads as well. Dont discount using Direct Mail to get your message accross Even though it is a little costly, the most powerful way is to send your direct mail piece via FEDEX or DHL This...
If you aren't tech savvy, I would highly recommend shopify. It's designed with users like you in mind with a very simple back end that can run shipping, adding products and everything else you've mentioned. If you can run a wordpress site, you can run shopify. After setting up my first store I ...
I used to design and manage complex business processes in the large BPO industry, I'm a fan of efficiency. After I left the industry I bought an offshore service based software development and digital marketing company that was probably pretty similar to yours. Fundamentally the best answer com...
Definitely don't just look locally. There is a much, much larger global market. When you recruit, pay at least 3 people to do a trial task. Give them a fixed amount of time (eg 3 hours) and compare the results. Don't let people who interview well confuse you between people who produce great work.
Here are several: 1. What other sites did you develop? Ask for domains and the actual parts he/she worked on (i.e. design only, functionality of X, Y or Z) 2. What's your background? You're looking for someone with real experience, not someone with just a degree. You're also trying to figure ou...
Microsoft Azure. For startups they give you a ton of stuff for free, and if you talk to someone there you can probably get even more. And when you're eventually ready to pay, you can just continue with them. Google's cloud offering is also free or cheap, but it's unclear what the future of tha...