
Results for: Wellness

I'm a buyer and not a shopper so I've already decided I'm going to purchase before I'm in front of a salesperson. Prior to choosing to buy I ask; Do I want this? Do I need this? Can I afford it? I've already done my research and know what price is fair. What makes me say yes is based on convenie...


Hi, First of all, based on the informative manner in which you phrased your question, you seem very intelligent and business/internet savvy - so either way, I'm sure you'll do great. Answer: I would go for both. Why? Because they are not exclusive to each other. Some people will just want to re...


You should first figure out your audience more specifically. Females 15-40 is very broad. Will all of that audience like the 1 product you have..? Get specific before you advertise. For example - you are selling iphone cases so you would ideally like the ability to target only people with iphone...


Get this book: (not an affiliate link) I'm a sales trainer, but Claude has put everything together in this book already so why reinv...


I can appreciate the goal, but you should be aware that anything like this is just going to be a starting point. Every company has different marketing needs. Industry alone isn't the only variable. Geographic location, price points, market position, existing customer base, and many more variables...


Essentially you want to create a tech blog with more embedded purchasing options. Tech blogs work, so if done right there's no reason this idea would not work.


This is a little hard to answer because it is so vague. It depends on the area, the market and the strength of innovation. I know that The App Guy has a terrific podcast at and is also trying to organize a community for App developers to sell their ideas. Let me know if I...


Some suggestions: 1) Create a Google Adwords campaign 2) Create a Facebook campaign. Facebook campaign setup page gives you a great hack to estimate the market size based on interests and demographics. 3) Apply SEO (search engine optimization) tactics, such as: a) Highlighting key words on your ...


I worked as a career specialist in a Technical school for nine years. In most colleges and universities, career services directors do not make product decisions. The administrative wing, president, provost, and director of student services hold the budget. Navigating product sales to schools al...


there is many alternative for you to advertise your product in absential of Amazon.... you can make use of Alibaba, Wish for fast service


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