
Results for: Wellness

Map the industry down to individual level. Talk. Verify your idea. Have a good pitch ready. Regarding documents: 1. webpage with clear UVP and CTA 2. one liner for the "aha" moment 3. one pager pitch - number focussed. 4. three pager pitch - if the one pager was interesting. 5. blog posts, lo...


Any Scrum Master or Team Member is keenly aware that they are expected to deliver software each and every iteration that provides value. Reporting, measurements, and metrics are vital part of that effort, which going forward I will just lump together in only one term called “reporting”. Some of u...


You can approach Airlines for co-branding, ask shops in Airport to promote the app, ticket booking sites to promote your app in signature of the mails they send .. there are lot of avenues. What exactly are you trying to build. Call me if needed. I am consulting architect with 14 years of exper...


Your pricing model should hinge on the fact that the perceived value of services should outweigh the cost associated with it. You can consider looking at online marketplaces like Craiglist, Kijiji, Airbnb, etc to understand various types of business models. However, the approach shouldn't be base...


Hi there, I'm afraid that the only possible way is through promo codes. If I am not mistaken the person who wants to buy your app in Bulk wants to give it out to patients individually correct? Not that it is a hospital or such where they could simply use the same apple ID to login and put it on ...


Hi, First of all, well done for all the amazing things that you've already done. This in itself is already a great achievement. You are correct about the processes that you need to do and if I understand your question, you want to know how you can recruit the relevant professional with a limite...


People talk to people they like but people do business with people they trust. You don't actually sell them on anything you provide insight and help them on what's best for them even though it may not create an immediate sale you are building a relationship which will develop over time.


Yes, it is possible to sell t-shirts through Instagram direct messages (DMs). I'd recommend using an online payment processor such as Stripe (, so you can accept orders and track your revenue. As your business grows, consider using an e-commerce platform like Shopify (https://...


Please clarify ;) the situation : - do you have a contract with developers ? - do you own the app ? or does it belong to the developers until you pay them ? - why are the developers asking payment ? - do you have a running app ? which needs does it covers ? - did you set a company ? - who are you...


It's not entirely clear what your situation is, but there are a few possibilities. If you have only a prototype, but the ability (including capital) to manufacture it and you are seeking to be on their shelves, then you'd be dealing with the appropriate category buyer. But your odds are quite l...


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