
Results for: Wellness

I would create an account with Manageflitter and/or Followerwonk - both integrate with Twitter. I know that many people feel negatively about Twitter but here's why it's great, especially for your quesiton: There are no privacy settings. Facebook and LinkedIn have tons of walls you run into w...


It's a bit difficult to give an estimate with the information provided. I'm not sure if your question is related to adding privacy to an existing server code or you need the whole server side done. The later is significantly more cost and has an unknown scope based on only the info given. You ...


Dear Writer, thanks so much for taking the time to write this. To answer this a) I need the background on what you are trying to sell, e.g., are you a law firm and b) what your ultimate objectives are - eg., you write getting attention, what I mean with is it important to have this type of client...


Try Starting at the (Very) Top ; with (Very Senior) HR Officers. One of the Very First Things which I (Swiftly) Learnt about Empowering the Spouses of High Achievers in Medicine , Healthcare , Finance , Academia , Technology , Politics and Law (etc) , 'ab initio' , is that a Substantial Percenta...


Is hard to tell just like that. You can do some research online. Look up what searchers are currently entering into their queries, what does google give as possible search options... Do people search more as a conversation word1 and word2 ? Or without the and? For online sharing purposes you mi...


Whenever shares (or options) are issued, the language is normally "fully-diluted shares"... and what that means is that you *authorize* the number of shares necessary for all potential [foreseeable] options to vest. You'll need to stop talking "%" and start talking in actual share numbers. Let'...


That is perfectly normal and really just fine. Creating a company, growing a company and maintaining a company are three different jobs and the best fit is rarely the same person. Now that your creation has matured, it may be time for you to hand it over to someone else who will protect your in...


You're throwing the word strategy too much I think and referring to it wrong. -Wordpress is a great platform to create websites, and is hardly a negative as far as SEO goes. Although it is a good thing that you realize the possible implications and postponed development until you have a plan in ...


Here are some answers for you that I believe will help you. 1. You should implement a long term and short term strategy right at the beginning. What I mean is that there are essential parts to your marketing like SEO and content marketing that you need to implement right in the beginning, but ...


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