
Results for: Wellness

Creating a beautiful visual deck that shows the branding of the company, prior successes and of course core numbers on who your target audience is, how broad the reach is and how that creates benefit for the sponsor is key!


I'm going to be making some assumptions with the hope that my answer will be helpful to you (if the assumptions are correct) and others. 1. Make sure YOU are "running" all marketing. By this I mean that those you hire should be following your strategy - not creating it. They should be communicat...


I love this question! Thank you for asking it. If you don't mind, once you finish I would love to know more about your startups and what led you ask this question. No judging, but everything is a learning opportunity - I guess, hence we're both here. My name is Humberto, although I now run a h...


Yes, duplicate content is a big issue. Search engines consider it a form of spam and will penalize your sites in terms of ranking, which diminishes your traffic and can be difficult to recover from. Content is naturally duplicated when shared by people who refer to and comment upon one another....


This is an great question. Actually, I have working from home for almost an decade now. I do have some experience in working in the telemedicine world as well. Personally, I recommend you work for tele-medicine platforms such as Quality Nighthawk.This way, you have an great income while working f...


class MyViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate { let tableView = UITableView() override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Set the table view's frame tableView.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.frame.width, hei...


Technology allows you to digitize the direct mail marketing process When done right with the right technology integrations, direct mail marketing can create an unforgettable experience for your ideal customer in your business. Some businesses are already benefiting from this. A good example that ...


We ALL like to pay as little as possible but we're happy to pay $4 for a latte from Starbucks because a, caffeinated beverage is worth more than that at that time and to that person. Prove the value. Prove that your software is worth (either saving them money or making them money) 2X or 5X or 1...


I worked from a home office for 8 years before getting an office and hiring w2 employees. I wish I had focused more on systems earlier because I would have more quickly realized that I do not need a centralized office with employees that work in the same building. Though 75% of us work under the ...


I will give you two stories (both mine). It was 1999 and I was 15 years old. My mom's friend ask me to deliver some christmas cards. The reason was that there was a monopoly of mail delivery in my country and it was so expensive that it was worth it to pay a young kid to do it. I did it for her ...


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