
Results for: Wellness

Depends. How much do you really need to build out your app? If you don't need investor money, better to avoid it. And how will you disrupt the space? I don't think there are any shortcuts to organizing.


Sounds ambitious! What are the key challenges for you? Are you able to develop the product yourself, and just looking for ideas of how to grow it to millions of users? Or do you need to find people to build the product/app itself? There are lots of resources available for both.


In my experience, no entrepreneur is fully prepared for the journey they are embarking upon when they start a new business endeavor. You simply can't have everything you need before you begin this journey. Being an entrepreneur is about being resourceful, or as Paul Graham puts it, being "relentl...


Make sure you've setup advanced analytics. You'll get a better picture of which conversions were direct, and which ones were assisted by another channel. Use tags and make sure your urls include all the detailed parameters - note that savvy users might truncate that link, so use a link shortener ...


A referral from someone that you know is always better than online reviews but unfortunately this is not always possible. Before I start engaging with any unknown business I start with a few basic online research actions. 1) Who owns their web domain. Goto and ent...


The best route is to establish relationship with established influencers in the market. Selling on social media is all about relationship - the key is to reach out and create a connection. Secondly, Instagram is all about consistency and hashtags. Posting original, high-quality photos of your ar...


How did you come to the $10K number? Based on revenue? Each of your contributions? Tough to answer this without understanding if the app is on the upswing or on decline etc. So... Does he want 5% equity of the app or 5% residual royalties? My guess is that he wants to participate in the revenue...


Assuming links work here, a couple good articles:


YES! You certainly can sell a services business; and, if it is positioned and prepared properly, for pretty great returns too. There are a number of different exit strategies available to you, not ALL of them acquisition. For instance; we have helped service business owners transition (exit) fr...


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