
Results for: WordPress

In general no effect... and... Be aware all content in subfolders + subhosts is now considered part of domain, so make sure you stick with some sort of common theme across all your content... to maximize your SEO. Also, there's no real way to do what you describe... short of using sshfs or some...


I'd recommend you look at getting the deal with the Service Provider, as the possibility of having security misconfigurations on your own WordPress instance is far higher. Going with a service provider restricts the amount of things one can configure (or misconfigure!) Feel free to reach out to ...


The starting point is always getting clear about the problem. What does you new word press product actually do and what problem does it solve for people? I am an online sales strategist so can help set up your email marketing, build the strategy and help you source the best people to get it do...


As someone who's built WordPress websites for business owners for about 5 years now, I'd say start small, then scale from there. The important thing is to focus on delivering a unique service. The problem with this industry is that designers and developers always focus on what they can do for th...


Why don't you do a design hack rather than change. Add in the image of the actual report they get to get people excited. Also add it to your sidebar of the site and have your right side pop up show up further down.


Microsoft Azure. For startups they give you a ton of stuff for free, and if you talk to someone there you can probably get even more. And when you're eventually ready to pay, you can just continue with them. Google's cloud offering is also free or cheap, but it's unclear what the future of tha...


I've been down this road before (two custom CMS platforms built over the years), and to play devil's advocate here: do you really need to build a custom CMS? What problem are you up against that aren't being solved by existing solutions? If those problems aren't fundamental, how much time and mo...


I don't see a public documentation for their API or payment interface so it is unknown at this moment if this Zelle system could work with WooCommerce or any other eCommerce platform. Try contacting their support.


Having looked for something similar for a number of our own clients, I feel your pain here. You've got a couple options here depending on (1) Your level of Wordpress Development Experience and (2) Your budget to provide those features. For our agency, we use the Hubspot Platform to deliver "Sma...


There's no "best" answer here, but you can approach it a number of ways. For trendy/future-facing, an isomorphic JS stack (Redux, React, etc.) could be a good move. The architecture is scalable and — if no one on your team hacks around the implementation details — it's easy to maintain (and onbo...


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