There are many routes you could take this with different membership plugins or subscription based plugins which would accomplish what you are looking to do. However, the best starting point for you is probably using an LMS (Learning Management System) plugin or theme. An LMS will provide everyt...
Describe your goal for categories, as a starting point. Also answer where you'll define these categories. You mention YouTube + you might mean content categories on a WordPress site. If you're referring to a Website, also be sure to state whether you're primarily targeting natural search engin...
I don't see a public documentation for their API or payment interface so it is unknown at this moment if this Zelle system could work with WooCommerce or any other eCommerce platform. Try contacting their support.
All your questions predicate/depend on site's monetization strategy. For example, if current pages all have great SEO traction in SERPs than any site change best be well thought out + in general the HTML structure should... 1) Only fix any existing HTML errors, as reported by the W3C validator....
Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Fees and Discounts > User Role Pricing. In the Role Price Fields section, enter the roles that will need specific prices. ... Save the settings. Go to your product and enter the prices for each role. For more information, please check the below link https://plugin...
Microsoft Azure. For startups they give you a ton of stuff for free, and if you talk to someone there you can probably get even more. And when you're eventually ready to pay, you can just continue with them. Google's cloud offering is also free or cheap, but it's unclear what the future of tha...
I'd recommend you look at getting the deal with the Service Provider, as the possibility of having security misconfigurations on your own WordPress instance is far higher. Going with a service provider restricts the amount of things one can configure (or misconfigure!) Feel free to reach out to ...
As someone who's built WordPress websites for business owners for about 5 years now, I'd say start small, then scale from there. The important thing is to focus on delivering a unique service. The problem with this industry is that designers and developers always focus on what they can do for th...
Pricing for different tasks that require the same amount of time from you tells the Customer (and your subconscious) that you're working at a 5 on task x, but working at a 9 on task y simply because it costs/earns more. That seems to be a disconnect. Your time is your most precious asset, and I w...
This all makes sense. The only additional things you will want to consider, if you haven't already, are: - An SLA - to agree on the level of communication provided throughout the project to the customer This is because emails, calls, meeting can vary dramatically for each customer and/or proje...