Web development jobs ask for experience, but what they're actually referring to is ability. You can "hack" this process by building projects publicly. Use GitHub, contribute to open source, and continue building for-fun projects to grow your skills. Send your GitHub link along with applications...
A co-founder is a long-term relationships that should be built on trust, and passion, and time... time to fight, time to recover, time to build rapport. Ultimately, your co-founder shouldn't be based on *any* specific idea, because the two (or three?) of you could work on anything you are all pas...
hi what I did was to get some information beforehand starting my businesses. It helps avoiding the most common errors. you also want to have a good plan what and how to start your business. so there may be information and study neccessary. you also want make sure to have data on if there is a nic...
There are lots of great companies that make a profit while helping others. Many times, these companies are formatted as a pair of companies. For example: 'Helpco is a not-for profit corporation that does X and donates proceeds of it's activities to Y.' What is not part of the headline is that ...
The biggest question you'll have to answer at this point is whether you and the founder can get along. You've already highlighted issues with the founder but does this bother you? Are both your goals aligned and do your values agree with him/her? In a previous experience, I brought someone on w...
I am answering with the assumptions that A) Bangladesh's population is as much your demo as USA B) You eventually want to have presence in both countries So here's some numbers- B'desh has only 7% internet penetration, but 80% of those use it at least once a day and the country is overwhelmingl...
Nice idea. A few similar such services exist - each in their own city/state - but each service is usually for a few specific services (like getting your packages or laundry, selling your property etc) - I don't know of any platform that combines all such services...Fiverr would be the closest pe...
If I was just starting out, I'd consider learning Meteor (https://www.meteor.com/). It's just entered version 1.0 and after working with it for a little less than a year I do have some issues with it but it still makes for a very solid framework that gets you up and running very fast. You would o...
Hey, This is a great question that can be answered with many answers. Simply, and as cliche as it is, it is to believe in yourself and promote your true self. Simon Sinek wrote a book called "Start with WHY" and it is about finding out WHY you do things and start with telling people why you do...
I think my advice here (https://clarity.fm/questions/3426/how-do-i-put-in-place-a-business-strategy-for-a-new-vertical) also applies to this question. To create a brand story, focus less on the brand and more on the story of your ideal customer. What do they struggle with? What problem are they...