
Results for: iPhone apps

You can't offer trials or even easily make refunds accessible via in-app purchases. What you can do is actually make manual deposits or write checks back to the users who ask for it. But the purchase behavior associated with in-app purchases really shouldn't require any promise of a refund. In...


Optimizely is a popular testing service that lets you do this. See: and


1. Get your marketing collateral together. Your case study and testimonials from your beta trial. Make sure you have a demo app ready so you can walk into any medical clinic and show the product on the spot. 2. For this industry, perhaps consider a small digital signage campaign. If you don't kn...


Hi there! Best of luck as you complete your college degree. From experience I will try to give you some insight into the world of startups and mobile apps. First some things to consider: 1. You live in a world of social klout 2.Apps must (specially iOS) must be very well developed, otherwise th...


Try not to think of your "conversion" as a single instance in your app users experience, but a series of nodes that have no try end point. Starting with the on-boarding process after they've DL'd the app it's important to understand what your conversion funnel looks like sequentially. For examp...


Hi, check outmy response to another question similar to yours. I hope it helps. Overall what you need to do is grow your community of users, or depending on the app generate enough sales or interest typically before any investors considering joining you. Not impossible to get investors early on,...


Knowledge source:- I'm an app developer myself (heading app development company I believe you understand that an App like OpenTable basically has 3 major parts; 1. one is the end user App that you see on the front end on iOS or Android, (native) 2. Another is an App or a web po...


Ultimately, it depends on the value the app has for the buyer (not how much money you put into developing it). Unfortunately there are many reasons for a buyer to purchase an app and so there are many ways to value an app (a multiple of yearly revenues,number of active users, etc.) . A good solut...


Hi, My name is Erik Hanley and I'm a Call Center Expert and Senior Analyst Programmer with more that 15 years of experience. If you need help to set up a call center/PBX phone app, you need to evaluate your needs and budget and then look for the telecom providers. Using VOIP providers Vs traditi...


Have you tried AdWords and a website/landing page for you or your business? I know a company in Brazil that is doing exactly this: * They have a website/landing page setup that explains how they charge for the application and has a call-to-action button to ask for an evaluation of the project t...


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