Hi there, I'd recommend having a strong social media presence. You could use Knowem.com to check availability of social media channels and they will show you the top ones you need to be on. Today you should at least have an Instagram in addition to a Facebook Page and a dedicated Twitter account....
Sure, it's correlative for technical reasons, iTunes / AppStore does not provide (yet, might change) a mechanism for that, so 3rd parties have to build their own. I recently discussed with people from Adjust and I was really impressed. HasOffers / MobileAppTracking seems to be a good choice as well.
I admire your ambition but I really do need to caution you against learning to code as a means of building out your app. If you want to do this as a fun hobby to teach yourself to code, then by all means do it but if you seriously want to build and launch an app that you think has a potential co...
1. Would be great if you can tell us more about your audience. 2. Do you have data sets available about your users. Age, gender, income, etc because if you don't have that then don't expect to get paid top dollars. 3. I don't think you need to build anything at all. Instead of using an Ad netwo...
Hi, I'm happy to try and assist. Send me more details about the type of help you're looking for, about the app, the target market + the current status of the app/business, and I'll be happy to try and help. If I can give you some free advice by email I'll be happy to do so. If you'll need more ...
The quick and honest answer is - you don't. In games, as in many places in the software industry, ideas are worth nothing, only the implementation counts. In addition, ideas tend to evolve during development and the design you end up implementing in the final game is quite often very different f...
I would reach out directly, especially to some of the gaming companies who have got this process down to a fine art. Network on LinkedIn and you'll be surprised how helpful some of these folks will be, especially in the nordics where there is a very open culture of sharing , even in some of the b...
Hi, Yes, this is something that is fairly common. Calculation: in order to calculate the % you should give, you need to understand how much is due to the designer for all their work, and how much your projected profits will be in the first 6 months/year. Then, you offer a % which should give th...
I value your request for help. However, my experience is that a straight barter of design services for development services is not necessarily equitable, as design is most often a fraction of overall development effort and cost, albeit, design is critical and sets the stage for success in a proj...