
Hi I would offer your service/platform to student bodies (student council) at universities and high-schools. I assume (but you would need to check) that they are your target audience and by onboarding one university, you would potentially get hundreds/thousands of clients (the students). Good l...


Cengage Learning Testing Powered by Cognero is a full-featured, online assessment system that allows instructors to create tests from publisher-provided content as well as write new questions.


There are programs such as remote patient monitoring, virtual service delivery, and the like. It's all about patient engagement throughout their POC with the organization.


There are many digital tools and platforms that allow healthcare facilities and organizations communicate with, monitor, and engage their patients even when they're not in the clinic.


Retrograde means planets moving backward on its own axis. in astrological view , this time is really important when certain planets become retrograde. it give mix results on human life depend on their degree and zodiac sign in which planets moving backward . some planets give good results when ...


Hi, I think it is a great idea. There are many conferences I'd like to go to but can't because of time (and COVID obviously). Having a person to go for me is a good second place. You should test the idea though before committing a lot of time and money. This can be done with existing apps to fi...


It is a very good idea to have a consultation marketplace for finance experts. The customers will be able to ask questions and if they find suitable answers they can get on a call with the experts. Since you have already found answers to the questions below: - What is the problem? - Who are you...


Companies using blockchain as DNA of their business model routinely raise funds by launching their own tokens. The token launch may structured as, an Initial Exchange Offering, i.e. IEO, or, an Initial Coin Offering, i.e. an ICO, Security Token Offerings, i.e. STOs, Decentralized Autonomous ICO, ...


Companies using blockchain as DNA of their business model routinely raise funds by launching their own tokens. The token launch may structured as, an Initial Exchange Offering, i.e. IEO, or, an Initial Coin Offering, i.e. an ICO, Security Token Offerings, i.e. STOs, Decentralized Autonomous ICO, ...


Hi! My clients have successfully hired VA's through Linkedin by submitting a 3 steps hiring process with a pre-qualification and assessment build in. Also, when people continue to leave your company, I usually look into how clear is the direction of the company, is there a concise mission and v...


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