As the profile doesn’t change very often, it would be worth getting someone to do this for you. Options are to go to, or, but I would recommend you get your marketing language really good in the original language before you get the translation done.
I'd set up your profile around the most common questions people ask before they speak to a dentist. Look at a few other expert profiles, even outside of healthcare. And then create some specialties that are quite specific, which will help demonstrate your expertise. And then try inviting some ...
Reach out to small businesses in your area. If you can sell them on the benefits of having a strong online presence and help them set up a website and a blog, you will get some solid first customers.
Offer the client excellent customer service. The level of customer service you provide has a major impact on the customer's loyalty and return. Publish customer's reviews and testimonials. Be transparent & Always put your customers first.
Have you looked at products similar to yours? It maybe helpful to talk to companies that private label. I can assist you in keeping ownership and setting up legal protection. Do you know anyone who worked hard on an idea for years, then lost it all? Let's talk further on a call.
Try the International Food Service Executives Association ( Their membership is incredibly broad. You can also try connecting with them on LinkedIn. The hard part is finding the first couple of executives, if you can tap into their networks, then you will find success. ...
If this idea already exists, who thinks exactly like you? There's only one of you. You can make a nice profit while helping others make their dreams come true. New companies are created everyday worldwide. Let's discuss this further on a call. If you do nothing, how are you impacting the world?
Trust is the glue that holds two people together, it can be compromised sometimes yes because we are human, yes, but how we respond to those that we have compromised their trust is so important. Simple this like I am sorry, with deep remorse goes a long way. Making it up to you with action is als...
Hello - this is a classic Chicken-Egg question. First, you need to identify the specific need that the buyers and sellers are facing. Are there already marketplaces that do what you're suggesting? Do those marketplaces have weaknesses? Do they have massive brand awareness that would make it diff...
They did many years ago. The app was not updated for some time after purchased by As a result, Apple flagged it and removed it from the App Store. It was convenient and much easier to stay connected with callers, experts, and incoming messages.