
Whenever you write on Clarity keep in mind that they are not just reading but speaking your words loud and clear inside their head. Communication has three key aspects. Tone of the voice, Body Language and Words, on Clarity two are absent and one is present. Words play a vital role in virtual com...


Most expenses (in most countries) that are directly related to the advancing your business are tax deductible. For example, marketing on FB or Google Ads, using an attorney or other counsel - like on clarity. Good luck


You're going to have to be much more specific than that, otherwise the answer is most likely going to be "it depends on...." Bankruptcy has lots of pros but also lots of cons so you want to get a solid answer for your specific situation.


I have no experience with this but my initial thinking is that you might have a setting that needs to be set correctly so you might want to double check all the settings and options. The reason I feel like this might be the case is because I would think most terms would provide at least some typ...


Truly educational and social impact projects are wonderful ways to impact on the society. recently, i did a project on MENTAL HEALTH ACTION PLAN with WHO under the International MUN platform as a volunteer and it was wonderful experience because i used social marketing strategies to move my proje...


Social media automation is using software tools to handle some of the time-consuming tasks involved in maintaining a professional social media presence. For instance, scheduling posts ahead of time, curating content for republishing, triaging routine customer queries, and producing analytics repo...


There are many forums and places where Amazon sellers congregate online, if you can find where these audiences congregate then this could be a way to approach them. If you have found niches is there any reason you wouldn't want to develop an online presence yourself? Platforms such as Amazon, e...


It does not have to be unique. Simple ideas are enough, just keep in mind that it must help the masses out there struggling with a problem, thus creating a gap in the market. Having an idea is important. The mere definition of the word business brings to the fore the importance of the idea. At t...


For a long time, Apple considered Apple TV to be a hobby, not a real product worth focusing on, because it did not generate a billion in revenue. However, for a start-up, getting to $50 million in revenue can be the start of a wildly successful business. But being a start-up affords many advantag...


Clarity might be a good point to start if you search for "social impact mentor" Otherwise, there are a number of platforms out there, the best approach would be to research on Google based on your specific needs and geographical location. Facebook also ...


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