Maybe the prudent approach is to create a parallel system which includes all the newer technologies. Instead of an all or nothing transition, transfer one (or a few) functions at a time. If something goes wrong, you have a failback. If things work well, you can speed up the transition until ev...
I've used the Foursquare API for a lot of different kinds of applications, both web and mobile. In my opinion you should not store any venue information in your application for a couple of reasons. First, I think the terms and conditions you agreed to when signing up for an API key prohibit yo... Everything you'll need (or whoever your programmer is) will likely be contained in the above link. Now, to answer your questions: 1) yes there is a Twitter API that can be accessed; 2) the API for Twitter does allow users to post tweets directly...
There isn't one. You basically need to scape everyone for the data unless they give you an API. This gets pretty hard. I know a startup in Singapore that could probably help.
We have built a product on Twilio that we sell to doctors offices. To my knowledge, what you're asking for is not possible as-is. What you could do though: When someone calls, have the system text message you "Hey, this number called, click here to call them back" ... and the "click here" is ...
Apart from what you want, when choosing a white label website builder, cost will be a crucial deciding factor. Find a reseller program that matches your cost expectations but do not settle for anything less in terms of quality. As a designer, you will probably have adopted a particular style for ...
Having been in the same position I can empathize. It's normal to be both excited and scared. There are risks but also great rewards in creating a successful company. Different people will have different ways of deciding when to go all in. My approach (which may or may not be applicable) was ...
Without more detail it is hard to make a good recommendation. Since I don’t know your exact needs I will share the best AI based chat tool I have seen. It is offered by a company called NextIT. You can see it in use at If navigate there and chat with Sgt. Star you can ask him just a...
I have established off-shore development relationships with individuals and firms in India, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Korea going back to 1996. You might find it a lot smoother to have them work through an established firm in India that is already set up with all appropriate licenses, tax-re...