After looking at your site, I definitely belive that you have something that is extremely valuable and can definitely be popular in tech communities. Yes, your copy needs to be more focused. What is it? I would have a landing page (or a cover page) that makes it really simple for a visitor to und...
It's hard to fully understand the background of your question, but in general, it sounds like you want this company to start a pilot program with your service. To get them to be willing to start a new pilot program with your service, you'll need to make something that solves the problems that exi...
Online coaching is a great space right now, and I'm glad to see someone with real-world coaching experience making the shift. The agency I started worked primarily in the fitness industry, and I helped plan, market, design, and build over 300 websites for personal trainers, gyms, and online coa...
I worked for a small logistics company that was developing a proprietary database which was to be packaged like a product. So as the head of HR I ended up doing the research on Trademarks & Patenting. To answer your question if you have a unique product or a unique take on a product you SHOULD p...
Hello, I have some experience with this from past companies and startups. I'm a current investor in 2 and have experience pitching. Email me whatever thoughts you have and I'll try to help.
The viral strategy needs to be a natural extension to the app that requires SMS - not sure you want to just use it for the sake of it being viral (seems forced). A perfect example of this is the Twist app. The app tells someone you are meeting with when you will arrive. When you set up a twist ...
This is a tricky question as you are entering a gray area if you are using material from Book Z to inspire your own book. Derivatives works are highly litigated and there is case law that you could turn to to help you make this decision but based on your example its going to be a fine line. You w...
If you assume all other things are equal, why market? Traditional marketing is becoming more and more ineffective. "Strong marketing" is growth hacking. No question about it. So if what you heard referred to growth hacking, yes I agree. If they meant - spend more in exposure and cross your fin...
1. Would be great if you can tell us more about your audience. 2. Do you have data sets available about your users. Age, gender, income, etc because if you don't have that then don't expect to get paid top dollars. 3. I don't think you need to build anything at all. Instead of using an Ad netwo...
This is a pretty broad question -- what are you looking for specifically on the PR front? You get what you pay for. There are a million and three press release apps that are just spam-generators. They don't actually do what you would like. Instead, try something like HARO or contacting journali...