Yo are talking apples and oranges. Capital gains are related to your basis not the form of payment. If you are a cash basis taxpayer, you pay taxes when you receive cash beyond your basis. We can help you with structure.
Naturally 1001 variables play into this that I'm blind to but here are some assumption laced thinking points: You're profitable, upwards trending, business, in a very competitive vertical. Yes? You guaranteed have a Buyer, unless: 1. Your asking price is outrageous. Not likely as we've closed ...
In my experience working with this age group as a coach, adults in this age group are very interested in connecting to their purpose and passion. They are willing to pay. However, how much is the real question. A marketing study using a conjoint analysis would shed some light on how much this ag...
Well, you'll certainly have a lot of options for where to focus your marketing efforts, since entrepreneurs are a huge market and pretty much everywhere on the web. I'd recommend testing some different social media channels - grow a brand presence on the major networks, and if you have the budge...
It really all depends on the value of the website and your service that people are signing up for. The higher quality your service offering, the higher quality leads you need in my opinion. Also, most websites make members verify with a valid email address, so it is very common. I like the idea ...
So my first question is, "What the heck is that?!" Like you're a purple-and-yellow zebra-striped three-foot tall jungle bird. I have no idea what that is, that certification. And your target market won't, not right off the bat, either. They aren't looking for a "Strategic Intervention Coach". Th...
One of our clients went with a card-based approach (http://purelyapp.com). The reasons were: - People understand them. The separation and spacing lead to very little cognitive overhead. - Perfect for responsive layouts, and translate easily to native mobile devices. - Forces you to discriminate ...
Follow these tips and help your envelope do its most important job: to get opened! CHECK CD/DVD WORKING: While sending the CD’s to companies, firstly you have to check while the CD is working properly or not Check the disc surface before recording, and after recording check while the CD is workin...
Investors are notoriously fickle - they scare easily. It's a survival instinct, and it keeps good firms alive. That said, this is certainly not a huge red flag - just a yellow one to proactively address. If the split wasn't publicized as one over fundamental inability to work together well, you s...
Hello! Firstly you need to decide whether you're targeting larger or smaller corporations. Approaches will need to differ because the larger the organisation, the more formal the process and the more gatekeepers to go through. I've noticed you mentioned Russian legislation - I successfully sold ...