Here is a website with some additional information: If you have further doubts, just email Service Canada and tell them what you plan to do and they'll let you know. David Barnett
A little more context would be needed to understand this question but I would simply say you are risk mitigation.
You have a few options here: Register for a post office box by clicking here ( Alternatively, you can fill out and take the paper form ( to your ...
Enter your answer issue a press release and try to solve the problem, you can use press release services or ask a reporter of your local newspaper to do a story on the solution. Bad press and bad things can happen, it is the manager job to do crisis management, repair the damage, and regain rep...
Non-US profits are generally taxed only if the cash is repatriated back into the United States. So, for example, Coca-Cola's profits that it generates in countries outside the United States are not taxed by the IRS until that cash is moved into an account that is domiciled in the US. Of course,...
No two businesses are identical and it is not recommended that you use a generator or copy and paste another companies terms of service and privacy policy. Although your business models may be similar, each business has their own unique identifiers which warrant a proprietary PP and TOS. If you u...
More of a political answer than anything to be honest. Laws are created by politicians, politicians make their decisions based on lobbyists & public opinion. Lobbyists and public opinion can both be bought. One person only has one vote, a company can persuade millions of votes. Imagine what wou...
Basic Errors and Omissions insurance should cover what your describing. There could be local/state laws concerning running the vehicle for prolonged periods of time, a call to your state department of permits should give you a solid answer to that.
The answer depends primarily on two factors: 1) Do you have outside investors? 2) Do you have and/or could you obtain a legal release from the co-founder, and after this release, would the co-founder have less than 5% of the company? If you have outside investors in the existing corp and you wi...
For software startups it's more common to use a Delaware corporation. It gives you more flexibility when adding cofounders or giving out stock to early employees ( something you'll have to do to attract the best ). If you are seeking outside investment, you'll end up doing a DE C-corp prior to g...