This is a tricky question as you are entering a gray area if you are using material from Book Z to inspire your own book. Derivatives works are highly litigated and there is case law that you could turn to to help you make this decision but based on your example its going to be a fine line. You w...
Such solutions are wiedly available to current ecommerce business. Question you would have to ask yourself if what makes your different, what is unique in your product that is not currently available. You are targeting (basically) 2 types of customers: 1. Those who already have a solution in pla...
A co-founder is a long-term relationships that should be built on trust, and passion, and time... time to fight, time to recover, time to build rapport. Ultimately, your co-founder shouldn't be based on *any* specific idea, because the two (or three?) of you could work on anything you are all pas...
It is a tough job, really painful sometimes however when it starts showing gains then it becomes pleasure. Real Estate is a highly paying profitable business when managed appropriately.
Hi - I'd probably look into both ways at first. Then decide which is more feasible. Efficiently, would be through contracting out a device maker if you work with an experienced and reputable company. If you have the experience in development, then this could be efficient in house as well but ag...
Is your hesitation moral (you shall not cheat), or if the quality of the service from Meowessay? I can not help you with the last part, but I am sure, that if you search on Meowessay you would hear some war stories - good and bad. I hope, you are thinking about the first part. And you should. If...
Happy to sign a reasonable NDA and take a call.
Not sure I fully understand the question. Q & A's you mean tips/tricks/FAQS? Or do you mean QA like quality assurance testing?
It can be as simple or as complicated as you need it to be. For my first startup we have a few board members, compensation was .5 to 1% equity for monthly meetings vested at 1 year. They are advisors and as such you should ask them what they expect from you, you from them and provide a framewor...