
Results for: Amazon

Hi, I think you already know the answer to this as you spent the most time on the third option and you are correct. The Internet is awash with too much information for buyers, they have information overload. So you should concentrate on niche websites for 2 reasons. The first being ease of use fo...


Here is an article about setting up AWS EC2 to run Play and Mongo: and there are also guides for binding to Amazon Simple DB and Dynamo in Scala as well that might be much easier setup than using...


Not my exact area of expertise but we went through something similar here in Asia where sellers rushed to clear stock before the government stepped in with price and export controls. If you have the logistics set up already then you could quickly sell them on: * Facebook marketplace. * eBay. * A...


Hello! My name is Humberto Valle, I'm the co-founder of, growth hacking and digital marketing service. I can go over all the different tactics and strategies that you can implement but there is a book by a fellow growth hack marketer, Ryan Holiday, in this book he talks about how h...


I host 100s of high traffic, high speed, WordPress sites. If a client asked me this question... I'd say... This type of spaghetti setup is okay for a hobby site. Not for a real + money generating + pay your bills type of project. For real (money generating) projects. Keep tech simple. I run s...


S3 (anything Amazon) is most costly approach you can take. Best you book a call with me or someone who works on this type of project daily. For EBS/NFS, all slow/glitchy tech. You'll only use this type tech if you love daily aggravation + have infinite free time to debug problems. Better solut...


Basically, the question is this: Are people reading the book for your writing, or for your ideas? If it's for your writing (say, if you're a fiction author) then you should probably write it yourself. It'd be disingenuous not to. If they're interested in your ideas (which is the case with most ...


Yes. Sell products in their own jurisdiction. In other words, sell... US products on then Canadian products on, etc...


The credits that you already received are under AWS Activate Founders. Quoting from the AWS website, "If you have previously received AWS Activate Founders benefits, you are ineligible to apply again. You can only receive AWS Activate Founders benefits once." However, check if you are eligible f...


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