
Results for: App Development

You can use WordPress as a REST API, which allows you to read/write data from WP in JSON format. However, this won't be as performant as other database solutions, so you may want to consider alternatives unless there's a strong business reason to use WordPress. I've built apps without WordPre...


After spending alot of time interviewing developers for many years. I think the next thing to do is to find a problem to solve. Make it open source so you potential employer can see the code thats being written. Be prepare to discuss how he has chosen this way of solving something over another.. ...


The best day to launch your app is either Wednesday night or Thursday, because the iOS App Store changes features every Thursday and you may get featured that day as "New games..." "New app..." etc. Ideally all your marketing/PR/advertising efforts should start that day (Thursday) because Apple l...


Well, hopefully you have analytics embedded in your app. That should also give you an idea of how many users are real vs spammers. Also, what sections of your apps are being used more often. It is not too late to add the analytics to your app.


I recommend that you get technical cofounder as soon as possible. Using a contract developer to create a prototype is ok but keep in mind that startups need to iterate and be very flexible in the early stages of company/product development. A contract developer works best on a fixed spec and wil...


Better than choose an architecture and try to build the server side of your app, I suggest you to try to find a mate that helps you and was your cofounder. Just you will probably fail in building the app and keeping it working fine in the near future. One-founder teams are very risky for accelera...


Hi, Apple cleary states the guidelines on what you can and what you can't sell on appStore from this guide: IAPP basically applies to c...


Be careful when simply wrapping things into a mobile app. This can backfire on you and you could be presented with some very harsh edge cases. PHP isn't going to be encapsulated so much as the HTML/CSS/JavaScript. So keep in mind your mobile application could likely be in a position of requiring ...


Apple will allow a developer to register 100 UDID devices per 12 month cycle to test via TestFlight or HockeyApp. Having started with TestFlight, I would really encourage you NOT to use it, and go directly to HockeyApp. HockeyApp is a much better product. There is also enterprise distribution ...


Hi! First of all i recommend to pitch your product to a community that represents your market , then give them free access to basic features that will complete most common scenarios and create premium features that will convert happy customers to paid users. I'd be happy to talk further with yo...


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