
Results for: Testing

I've used UserTesting (and its service Peek), as well as other user behavior analysis tools like HotJar, Crazy Egg, etc. To answer your questions: 1. Do you use such services? If so, what do you choose? // I use them to either confirm or reject hypotheses I have about my product's/business' pe...


Cengage Learning Testing Powered by Cognero is a full-featured, online assessment system that allows instructors to create tests from publisher-provided content as well as write new questions.


I've built this kind of system before for more than one company. What you want to build is a continuous integration system (and this is what my company specializes in). This allows you to trigger tests each time a developer submits code. The test you describe would fire up several environments in...


Yes definitely. As you know these elements are super important pertaining to to this information. There are plethora of small businesses that cannot the technical expertise needed in some cases to increase in engagements on websites, which for most websites are the best promotion tools. This woul...


Apple will allow a developer to register 100 UDID devices per 12 month cycle to test via TestFlight or HockeyApp. Having started with TestFlight, I would really encourage you NOT to use it, and go directly to HockeyApp. HockeyApp is a much better product. There is also enterprise distribution ...


Hi! First of all i recommend to pitch your product to a community that represents your market , then give them free access to basic features that will complete most common scenarios and create premium features that will convert happy customers to paid users. I'd be happy to talk further with yo...


I'd recommend looking into these options: (do a search for QA) (e.g. pay $1 per bug committed to Trello) If you'd like to discuss managing the software testing in more detail ...


Based on my own experience building indie games I'd recommend these Reddit and Slack channels for beta testing: Reddit: Slack: https://www.ha...


Listen, don’t tell. Conduct it on their computer. Fix the issues after each test .. iterate like mad, especially when you’re small / trying to figure it out.


You're on the right track. I'm glad to see you getting the steps in the right order. WHO are potential users of your product? WHAT problem(s) will your app potentially be solving for them? HOW much do these potential users value the solution of these problems? Find your user group of people w...


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