One of the most important things to have in mind is that every step in the process of entering data into the CRM should help the sales rep to advance in his sales process. To many CRMs are emphasizing on data for management and reporting on stuff that doesn't help the sale forward.
First off, always good to see more and more tech companies in Europe. Berlin is producing a lot of great startups. Your geo-location isn't nearly as relevant as: - Your stage (Seed round) - Age (1 year?) - Pre-revenue or post (post) - Business model (B2B SaaS) - Vertical (Hardware) While plent...
I've done both of these when I was fishing for SaaS business opportunities. To narrow down the niche market, identify the key departments, type of problem, and industry verticals of target companies. The users of your solution would benefit either from $$$ or productivity point of view. Then to...
This is the Billion $ question for which there could be a Billion answers. I can share my personal experiences based on some the mistakes I made during my early startup days (post 911). First, I am concerned that you have built an enterprise software solution without a 'First Customer' or even 'F...
1.Yes first you ought to secure permit within and without the boarders 2.Search people with proven_track records in Auditing and Inspection with 5 and 10 minimum and maximum experience respectively 3.Also check your competitors around and double up your work strategies . call me for more strategi...
To response to this question one needs to understand various other aspects of your offering , your market , your current team strengths, current stage of growth of the product as well as your current problems. I have been a SaaS sales leader for couple of products and have built and mentored thes...
10% of the total monthly sales churning on an absolute basis is near fatal. That means that within 5 months, you have 50% absolute churn per year, which reveals fundamental flaws with the service itself. Anything above small single digit churn is telling you and your team that customers are not...
I don't think the service you are envisioning is a new concept, but it might not exist at scale as a packaged Saas product. If you have not encountered it yet and you are actively looking for it, it could mean that it either does not exist yet or there is a big opportunity to become that authorit...
You have a great start but first I would suggest places where you failed to build your portfolio, your problem is that people do not trust you and are not interested in products or services. i guess you are a younger person who wants to break into the market. Here are some tips for you personally...
Try they have real chat agents that work on multiple sites at once, so you can have them manage your chat from about $2/hr (per website, not per person) - or if you want something automated try (free) There's also