
Results for: Business Ideas

Before even beginning to think about launching your project you need to evaluate why you want to do it at all. Just doing it "because" is going to make you go mad, you'll want a reason to do it because it will be taking much of your time up. Make sure you go over strengths and weaknesses . If you...


As Dan Kennedy says, "Explorers tend to return full of arrows." In other words, good chance of failure trying anything new. Do something old, with a new spin. Tip: Read through Kennedy's books (I could 60+ on my bookshelf) about how to do... business spins... slapping a new face on an old indu...


I work with a lot of startups as an advisor or thru 500S. Figure out what the biggest value offering for your idea is, create the simplest product that only achieves that big value and nothing else (if this means you don't write code, then great). Get out into the real world and start actually ch...


No, I think outsourcing this is at worst dangerous and at best lazy. Furthermore, unless this is highly focused on a type of user, I wouldn't trust that you could build user panels that were really of my potential customers. And therein lies the rub. Without real customers, it's impact and val...


You will need to weigh the situation. If it were my company, we have a Core Value of "Truth", and we have an expectation of open communication with each other and with our clients. Therefore, if it was me, by running this through our values it would be a no brainer to tell people not just what w...


Hi It is great that you have a business idea. The question you asked is very real to any business especially when it's a startup. You really don't want to put something out there when there is no niche for it or when it is moving slowly. so here is what I would suggest. a) Do a thorough feasibili...


No, it's not a good idea. Every successful or even somewhat successful venture I know of was started either because the entrepreneur had observed and then confirmed a specific pain-point in a market that was unaddressed or that entrepreneur was "scratching their own itch" solving a problem they ...


I would not try and code these ideas yourself. You may be able to find a developer that would work with you if they believe in the ideas, but that means you have to give up equity, and run the risk that they are not as passionate about the concepts as yourself. I would suggest you start reachin...


There is nothing more harmful to a good idea than other ideas. By that I mean, the inability to decide which idea is worth pursuing over others, causes each idea to suffer when trying to distribute resources in support of more than one concept at a time. Your question presumes that the most imp...


There are a number of pre-built social media platforms designed to allow people to quickly create their own social networks such as and Dolphin. The problem is that if your idea is truly unique, then these platforms probably won't have the tools you need to accomplish what you're looking...


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