There are three main models. Firstly, reciprocity, we recommend clients to your agency to partner with and the agency recommend clients back to buy your service. The value exchange needs to be equal, but when this works it usually forms the strongest of strategic partnerships. Secondly, there is ...
I think you need to think outside the box. You can definitely make 50k a month but someone just giving you ideas is not going to help you. Remember Ideas are just 1% execution is 99%. Find something you're passionate about. Find a problem that people have daily that can be solved. But if you wa...
One option is to provide dedicated support while letting the code be open. There are plenty of businesses that run on open, freely available architecture, and they make all their money by selling a "Pro" plan that allows people the security of being able to pick up the phone and ask a question. H...
I'm in no position to advise on the cost of a Tinder-like app - having never used it myself. I can however share some thoughts on Freemium. Freemium is too often engaged because it is easy - not because it is right for the business. You'll still need to determine how'll you make money, even wi...
I recommend you tio develop a Balanced Score Card simplified version. It is one of the best tools for Strategy development and Focus on Excelent execution. It can be combined with other tool line SWOT analysis and Projects Perfect Execution. For more details please contact.
I use LegalShield for all my legal questions. This is a great example of its use. They charge a small monthly fee. A member can call the firm as often as they want with any question to get an answer from an attorney specializing in the particular area of the law. will give y...
Having 4 dogs and being a former sugar addict, I love the idea of dog cupcakes, kudos! My wife and I are currently solving a very similar issue with her t-shirt business. We don't have a freshness issue to deal with like you do, however we do have a scalability and growth issue that we are tackli...
In theory they could own the business as long as the profit of that business were used to further the non-profit work of the school. The bigger question would be whether the school actually owns the business or whether you as a separate non-profit were operating within the facilities of the sc...
I am not a lawyer, and I suggest you get one and ask this question of them. When you have the lawyer write up the contract the best thing is to probably include a non-discloser agreement in it, that way they cannot disclose the workings of your code. Next you will want the contract to say they ...
Happy to sign a reasonable NDA and take a call.