
Results for: Business Strategy

Great question! I love questions like this ones. First off forget about Silicon Valley. If you are not here with that sort of relationship you will spend a lot of resources before you make something sustainable here. Second, you mention you've had some success - ok, why aren't you simply making ...


Are you a professional? (I assume you'll say that you are) As such, you deserve to be paid for your service and skill. Rather than offer your services for free, focus your efforts on understanding the need of your big-brand clients. You can underpromise and over deliver without sacrificing the...


Essentially, you need to have clearer opt ins and make it very clear what you want to store and collect the users data for. So, as long as you can get people to opt in, you don't have a problem but if you can't it can affect everything dependent on the data you need.


There are several models you can opt for. Freemium: With this model app publishers offer mobile users to download apps free of charge to use with a limited set of features and charge them via in-app purchases for premium features, additional content, or digital goods. In-App Purchases: One of th...


For any Marketplace platform to function & grow well both sides of the user base needs to be developed in tandem. Initially depending on the service the Marketplace is trying to provide, it is important to focus on users that will provide the service. Uber: Drivers, Clarity: Experts, eBay: Se...


When you do the interview you can show a mind map to show what you can do for them, printed out step by step, laminated. Just how you can achieve their business goals. If they ask to keep this print out, you tell them no this is "propriety" to my business. (PROPRIETARY 1: one that possesses, o...


Here are some things you should read to start making yourself an idea about it: Also you sho...


Hi, Your problem is one of corporate structure. You need to create an organization chart and define the different roles that exist in the business. You then need to fill in your names to each box. The different roles may have salaries or commissions attached, likewise, each partner is likely...


A couple of quick notes to add on top of some good answers: 1. Have you done any blogging / writing around the concept? If so make sure you have google analytics on your site and you have demographics functionality turned on. You will get some good high level demographic info on who is interes...


It depends by your company size and structure, but i think a CEO of a small company must understand what is pertinent to strategic decisions for his company. If you are thinking of changing the way you sell, it is better you understand why, which are the cost involved, benchmark your competition ...


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