Alessandro Daliana's comments are bang-on. It seems you were also asking about how to get your elder's to accept your ideas about change. It's difficult, especially when your boss always wants to see you as their child. How do you earn their respect and get them to listen to you the way they w...
Start here:
It all begins with understanding who your best potential customers are. Spend some very focused time in determining not only who they are (moms; small business owners; homeowners; etc.) but want needs and desires they have. How will these align with your products or services? Also—talk to these...
I'm reading a book called, "Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a Successful Startup" written by Bill Aulet. The 24 steps are broken down into six categories: 1: Who is your customer? 2: What can you do for your customer? 3: How does your customer acquire your product? 4: How do you make ...
Although I understand Portuguese, I won't attempt to write it. Here is my answer in English: So you have an Arch. & Engineering firm that just opened. First you need the basics: 1. Business Cards (my team can do design for you) 2. Nice booklets (magazine style) presentations, also called “sa...
I have been approached to advise companies with this arrangement. In the arrangement I was considering, the options simply turned to ownership but there was an end date by which the distribution had to be paid. Hope that helps!
I am an entrepreneur without a single degree or certification to my name. I'm certainly not anti-education (in fact, I've taught some university classes), but higher education wasn't the path I chose. My question for you is: what type of learner are you? I learn best when I'm self-directed, st...
I have worked in brand development for over a decade. Have you ever thought about doing a high end concierge service? People answer questions and send pictures to have high end goods and gifts selected for them. Give me a call! I would love to brainstorm!
It’s an interesting concept and the next step is to qualify it further with some market research. Where will you find your potential customers for services? My initial assumption would be in a relatively dense urban setting where people want to commute to work or school by biking, or otherwise ...
Great question! I've said it before and I'll say it again: Asia is growth and you cannot afford to not have an Asia growth strategy, regardless of the size of your company. I've been based here in Singapore for nearly 5 years and have observed how Singapore's leaders have worked hard to position ...